Unlock the Power of Oracle SQL: Using REGEXP_SUBSTR to Get a String Between 2 Strings
Image by Mecca - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Oracle SQL: Using REGEXP_SUBSTR to Get a String Between 2 Strings

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Are you tired of wrestling with complex string manipulation in Oracle SQL? Do you struggle to extract specific parts of a string, only to end up with a tangled mess of characters? Fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to demystify the magical world of REGEXP_SUBSTR and show you how to effortlessly extract a string between two strings in Oracle SQL.


REGEXP_SUBSTR is a powerful Oracle SQL function that allows you to search for a pattern in a string and return a subset of that string. It’s like a precision-crafted surgical tool, designed to extract the exact piece of information you need from a sea of characters.


In the above example, the REGEXP_SUBSTR function searches for the pattern ‘H’ followed by any characters (denoted by ‘(.*)’) followed by ‘W’. The result is ‘Hello, W’.

The Problem: Extracting a String Between Two Strings

Imagine you have a string like this:

  v_string VARCHAR2(100) := 'This is a sample string [START]Hello, World![END]';
  -- How do we extract 'Hello, World!' from this string?

Your goal is to extract the string ‘Hello, World!’ which is nestled comfortably between ‘[START]’ and ‘[END]’. This is where REGEXP_SUBSTR comes to the rescue.

The Solution: Using REGEXP_SUBSTR with Capture Groups

We can use capture groups to extract the string between ‘[START]’ and ‘[END]’ using the following syntax:

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(v_string, '\[(START)\](.*?)\[(END)\]') 

Let’s break this down:

  • ‘\[START\]’ matches the string ‘[START]’ literally
  • (.*?) matches any characters (including none) in a non-greedy manner (denoted by the ‘?’)
  • ‘\[END\]’ matches the string ‘[END]’ literally

The parentheses around ‘(.*?)’ create a capture group, which allows us to extract the matched pattern. In this case, we want to extract the string between ‘[START]’ and ‘[END]’, so we use the second capture group (index 2).


The REGEXP_SUBSTR function takes four parameters:

Parameter Description
source_string The string to search for the pattern
pattern The regular expression pattern to search for
start_position The position in the string to start searching from (optional, defaults to 1)
capture_group The capture group to return (optional, defaults to 0, which returns the entire match)

In our example, we only need to specify the source string and the pattern.

Real-World Applications

Using REGEXP_SUBSTR to extract a string between two strings has numerous practical applications:

  • Extracting data from unstructured text, such as logs or comments
  • Parsing XML or HTML tags
  • Extracting specific information from a string, such as a username or email address

Imagine you have a table with a column containing XML data, and you want to extract a specific value:

CREATE TABLE xml_data (
  id NUMBER,
  xml_data VARCHAR2(4000)

INSERT INTO xml_data (id, xml_data)
VALUES (1, 'John Doe30');

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(xml_data, '(.*?)') 
FROM xml_data;

The result is ‘John Doe’, neatly extracted from the XML data.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

When working with REGEXP_SUBSTR, it’s essential to be aware of common pitfalls and troubleshooting techniques:

  • Be mindful of character escaping: Remember to escape special characters, such as ‘[‘ and ‘]’, with a backslash (‘\’)
  • Use the correct capture group: Make sure you’re referencing the correct capture group in the REGEXP_SUBSTR function
  • Watch out for greedy matching: Use non-greedy matching (.*?) to avoid matching too much of the string

If you encounter issues, try:

  • Breaking down the regular expression pattern into smaller parts to identify the problem
  • Using an online regular expression tester to validate your pattern
  • Checking the Oracle documentation for specific REGEXP_SUBSTR syntax and limitations


Mastering the art of REGEXP_SUBSTR in Oracle SQL opens up a world of possibilities for string manipulation and extraction. By following the examples and guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex string processing tasks. Remember to practice, experiment, and always keep your regex skills sharp!

Now, go forth and conquer the world of Oracle SQL with REGEXP_SUBSTR!

Further Reading

For more information on REGEXP_SUBSTR and Oracle SQL string functions, check out the official Oracle documentation:

Hone your regex skills with online resources:

Stay tuned for more Oracle SQL tutorials and articles, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of extracting strings between two strings using Oracle SQL query and regexp_substr!

What is the basic syntax of using regexp_substr to extract a string between two strings in Oracle SQL?

The basic syntax is: `REGEXP_SUBSTR(string, ‘string1(.*?)string2’, 1, ‘i’, 1)`. Here, `string` is the original string, `string1` and `string2` are the two strings between which you want to extract the substring, and `i` makes the search case-insensitive.

How do I extract all occurrences of a string between two strings using regexp_substr?

To extract all occurrences, you can use `REGEXP_SUBSTR(string, ‘string1(.*?)string2’, 1, ‘i’, LEVEL)`. The `LEVEL` parameter allows Oracle to iterate over the string and extract all occurrences. You can use this with a `CONNECT BY` clause to generate a hierarchical result set.

How do I handle cases where the strings I’m searching for may not exist in the original string?

Use the `NVL` function to return a default value (e.g., an empty string) when the search strings are not found: `NVL(REGEXP_SUBSTR(string, ‘string1(.*?)string2’, 1, ‘i’, 1), ”)`. This prevents errors and returns a meaningful result.

Can I use regexp_substr to extract multiple substrings between different pairs of strings?

Yes! You can use multiple `REGEXP_SUBSTR` functions, each with its own set of search strings, and combine them using string concatenation or aggregation functions (e.g., `LISTAGG`). For example: `REGEXP_SUBSTR(string, ‘string1(.*?)string2’, 1, ‘i’, 1) || REGEXP_SUBSTR(string, ‘string3(.*?)string4’, 1, ‘i’, 1)`. Be creative!

Are there any performance considerations when using regexp_substr with large datasets?

Yes, regular expressions can be computationally expensive, especially with large datasets. To improve performance, consider using indexes, optimizing your regular expressions, and limiting the number of rows being processed. You can also consider alternative solutions, such as using `INSTR` and `SUBSTR` functions, which might be more efficient in certain scenarios.

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