Passing Output Variable to a Template in the Same Job in Azure DevOps: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Passing Output Variable to a Template in the Same Job in Azure DevOps: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of struggling to pass output variables to a template in the same job in Azure DevOps? Do you find yourself stuck in a loop of trial and error, trying to figure out why your templates just won’t accept those pesky variables? Fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to demystify the process and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to pass output variables to a template in the same job in Azure DevOps.

What are Output Variables and Templates in Azure DevOps?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and understand what output variables and templates are in Azure DevOps.

Output Variables

In Azure DevOps, output variables are values that are generated during the execution of a task or script. These variables can be used to store and reuse values throughout your pipeline. Output variables can be useful for a wide range of scenarios, such as storing the result of a script, capturing the output of a command, or even generating a unique identifier.

Templates in Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps templates are reusable pieces of YAML (or JSON) that define a set of tasks, variables, and parameters for a pipeline. Templates allow you to define a blueprint for your pipeline and reuse it across multiple pipelines, making it easier to manage and maintain your CI/CD workflows. Templates can be stored in a separate file or even in a separate repository, making it easy to version and maintain your pipeline configurations.

Why Pass Output Variables to a Template?

So, why would you want to pass output variables to a template in the same job in Azure DevOps? Well, there are several reasons:

  • Reusability: By passing output variables to a template, you can reuse the same template across multiple pipelines, reducing the amount of duplicated code and making it easier to maintain your pipelines.

  • Flexibility: Output variables allow you to dynamically adjust your pipeline behavior based on the output of previous tasks or scripts. This makes it easier to create flexible and adaptive pipelines that can handle a wide range of scenarios.

  • Ease of maintenance: By storing your pipeline configuration in a template, you can easily update and maintain your pipeline without having to modify individual pipeline files.

Passing Output Variables to a Template in the Same Job

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the meat of the article – passing output variables to a template in the same job in Azure DevOps.

Step 1: Define the Output Variable

The first step is to define the output variable in your Azure DevOps pipeline file. You can do this using the `##vso` syntax, like this:

  MyOutputVariable: $[steps.MyScript.outputs['MyOutput']]

In this example, we’re defining an output variable called `MyOutputVariable` that captures the output of a script task called `MyScript`.

Step 2: Create a Template Parameter

Next, you’ll need to create a template parameter that will receive the output variable. You can do this by adding a `parameters` section to your template file, like this:

  - name: MyParameter
    type: string

In this example, we’re defining a template parameter called `MyParameter` with a type of `string`.

Step 3: Pass the Output Variable to the Template

Now, you’ll need to pass the output variable to the template as an argument. You can do this by using the `template` keyword in your pipeline file, like this:

template: mytemplate.yml
    MyParameter: $(MyOutputVariable)

In this example, we’re passing the `MyOutputVariable` to the `MyParameter` template parameter using the `$( )` syntax.

Step 4: Use the Template Parameter in Your Template

Finally, you can use the template parameter in your template file, like this:

  - task: MyTask
      MyInput: ${{ parameters.MyParameter }}

In this example, we’re using the `MyParameter` template parameter to set the `MyInput` input for the `MyTask` task.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

As with any complex process, passing output variables to a template in the same job in Azure DevOps can be prone to errors. Here are some common issues you might encounter and how to troubleshoot them:

Error: Template Parameter Not Found

If you encounter an error saying that the template parameter was not found, check that you’ve defined the parameter correctly in your template file and that you’re passing the correct variable to the template.

Error: Output Variable Not Set

If you encounter an error saying that the output variable was not set, check that you’ve defined the output variable correctly in your pipeline file and that the task or script is generating the correct output.

Error: Variable Not Resolved

If you encounter an error saying that the variable was not resolved, check that you’ve used the correct syntax to pass the output variable to the template and that the template is correctly defined.

Best Practices for Passing Output Variables to Templates

To get the most out of passing output variables to templates in Azure DevOps, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Keep your pipeline files organized and structured, making it easier to maintain and troubleshoot your pipelines.


Passing output variables to a template in the same job in Azure DevOps can be a powerful way to create flexible and reusable pipelines. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of Azure DevOps and take your CI/CD workflows to the next level. Remember to keep your pipeline files organized, use meaningful names for your output variables and template parameters, and test your pipelines thoroughly to ensure that everything is working as expected.

Happy piping!

Keyword Description
Passing output variable to a template in the same job in Azure DevOps A comprehensive guide on how to pass output variables to a template in the same job in Azure DevOps

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Frequently Asked Question

Azure DevOps enthusiasts, assemble! We’ve got the scoop on passing output variables to templates in the same job. Get ready to boost your pipeline game!

Q1: Can I pass output variables from a task to a template in the same job?

A1: Absolutely! You can pass output variables from a task to a template in the same job by using the `dependsOn` property in your YAML file. This property allows you to specify the task that produces the output variable, and then you can access it in your template using the `variables` keyword.

Q2: How do I declare an output variable in my Azure DevOps pipeline?

A2: Easy peasy! You can declare an output variable using the `outputs` keyword in your YAML file. For example: `outputs: myOutput:=$(myVariable)`. This will create an output variable named `myOutput` with the value of `myVariable`.

Q3: Can I use output variables from multiple tasks in my template?

A3: You bet! You can use output variables from multiple tasks in your template by separating them with commas. For example: `dependsOn: task1, task2`. This way, you can access output variables from both tasks in your template.

Q4: What happens if I don’t specify the `dependsOn` property?

A4: If you don’t specify the `dependsOn` property, Azure DevOps will throw an error because it won’t know which task to get the output variable from. So, make sure to specify the correct task that produces the output variable you need!

Q5: Can I use output variables in templates across different jobs or stages?

A5: Sadly, no. Output variables are scoped to the job they’re defined in, so you can’t use them in templates across different jobs or stages. But, you can use variables defined at the pipeline or stage level, which can be accessed from any job in that pipeline or stage.

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